You have an exciting topic for the IT-freelancer community? Whether you are a freelancer or a company, you have come to the right place.
Our mission at IT Freelancer Magazin is to deliver the highest quality content for IT freelancers:
Our editorial team only selects articles that deliver real added value. Unfortunately, we do not accept advertising inquiries. Accordingly, there is no possibility to place a sponsored post/advertising content.
Nevertheless, you can mention your company in the article, should the quality of the guest post be right and meet the following conditions.
Conditions for a guest article in IT Freelancer Magazin
The contributions must be unique (unique content).
The added value for the IT-freelancer community is clear: topic relevance
The publication is either within the scope of the editorial office, or a designated expert (guest author) on their part.
If you would like to build a reputation in a specific topic area, we would also be happy to accept you as a guest author for IT Freelancer Magazin: About Us
SEO (search engine optimization)
Not only editorial, but also cooperation in the context of search engine optimized content is feasible.
The placement of a backlink is possible. Should you wish to publish a search engine optimized article, you will work together with our editorial team here (as part of the briefing etc., see below).
Procedure for cooperation
Should we have decided to collaborate editorially:
- First, the topic and the format (e.g. interview, guidebook, etc.) are determined.
- Then follows a coordination of the article structure: You send us a first outline (headline structure, interview questions). In the case of an SEO text, send our editorial team your briefing (focus keywords, headline structure, etc.).
- After this vote, start working on the article. To ensure quality, send us your first draft (for example, the first half of the article) before you complete it.
In addition to being published on the blog, your post will also be distributed on IT Freelancer Magazin’s social media channels (Facebook & LinkedIn) and you as the author will be mentioned there.
There is also a chance to be mentioned in IT Freelancer Magazin’s 6-week email newsletter.
Fancy an editorial collaboration?
Feel free to contact me: or on
Kind regards